Call for Speakers for the IA SHRM Conference –Applications Due by June 2nd
Our conference committee is gearing up for another exciting and educational State Conference in 2023 which will be held at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa, October 11th through 13th.
We are excited to announce our call for speakers! Our best speakers are practicing HR professionals or individuals with direct experience related to their topic area, who can speak to The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge. If you’re an engaging speaker who has presentation content that fits our conference theme of The Great Reset: The Future of HR, please consider applying to present a break-out session or two at this year’s conference on either Thursday, Oct. 12th or Friday, Oct. 13th.
Topic tracks for this year’s conference are intended to provide tools, resources, and action plans for HR professionals that challenge us to reset, reshape, and reimagine our processes and practices, helping us to lead our organizations as we continue to navigate the changing world of work.
Use this link to complete an application to present a one-hour breakout session and to access the speaker FAQ document and a Tracks and Topics PDF. Feel free to share this invitation with your speaker network.
The deadline to submit your application for consideration is Friday, June 2nd. Speaker selections will be made by the end of June, and we will reach out to you by mid-July with an update.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Get Ready for The Great Reset: The Future of HR
Debbie Ladehoff & Lucas Sperfslage
Iowa SHRM State Conference 2023 Co-chairs